Untold Physio Stories – Have I Failed My Patient?

Erson reaches out to a PT colleague and former Telehealth patient, Dr. Jon Diamond. It was a case that Erson widely considered a failure. Both Jon and Erson talk about what lead to the condition, the decision for surgery, and takeaways from cases you “can’t help.” You can reach Jon here at his site – Dynamic Sports PT

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Untold Physio Stories is sponsored by the EDGE Mobility System, featuring the EDGE Mobility Tool for IASTM, EDGE Mobility Bands, webinars, ebooks, Pain Science Education products and more! Check it out at edgemobilitysystem.com .  Be sure to also connect with Dr. Erson Religioso at Modern Manual Therapy and Andrew Rothschild at Modern Patient Education.

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    Keeping it Eclectic…

    from Wellness https://www.themanualtherapist.com/2020/04/untold-physio-stories-have-i-failed-my.html

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