Top 5 Fridays! 5 Running Tips to Reduce Running Injuries

👉🏻While running alone is not the cure for COVID-19 🦠we all know that there are many benefits of running including a good boost to our immune systems (unless in really heavy training where immunosuppression may occur) 👟 

Reposted with permission from Brad Beer’s Instagram
☝🏻Here’s 5 tips to help you get the most out of your running & reduce the likelihood of being sidelined by an injury 🤕Of course there’s more -like be respectful of walkers, don’t run in groups etc, but for now here’s my top 5: _
1️⃣ Listen to your body: @shonahalsonon @physicalperformanceshowconcluded that this is an essential skill (but often overlooked ‘art form’) to being able to absorb train loads. Super important with the stressors that this pandemic has created 👂🏻
2️⃣ Pay attention to your mood: similar to above -recovery scientists concluded that mood assessment is as valid of indication as any re an athlete’s readiness to train/insight into adaptation to prior training. if you feel irritable, frustrated, angry, despondent, etc (I’ve experienced all over last 2 weeks ⬆️⬇️🧠) note that it might not be wise to ‘push’ your running training. Just do what you can when you can ✅
3️⃣ Remember the benefits: see the prior posted infographic on this – with events cancelled-concentrating on the many known benefits of running can serve as an alternate motivation when event 🎯 are not in place .
4️⃣ Pace doesn’t matter: I suggest this may be a good time (in general terms) to as Dr Stephen Seiler stated on @physicalperformanceshow ‘collect minutes in zone 1/aerobic training zone’ and build your athletic endurance aerobic engine (bake the cake 🎂). There’s no timeline pressures around this at the moment .
5️⃣ Don’t over think it: keep it simple-consider running for the sheer enjoyment- with no self imposed performance expectations around upcoming races- who knows it may be one of the better training blocks you ever get done! 🧠
✋🏻TAG a run bud you know this would interest or help ✅

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