A Better Way to Improve Cervical Sidebending and Rotation

The Clinical Practice Patterns I identify in my online and live Modern Manual Therapy Seminars show many different upper quarter problems have a loss of ability to load the cervical spine in the same direction as the patient’s complaint. 

Many times (but not all), shoulder impingements, carpal tunnel pain/numbness, unilateral headaches have a loss of cervical retraction and SB. In fact, 75% of the time, it happens every time 😂.

In this video, I show a variation on cervical retraction with traction and extension. Many times, this is uncomfortable for the patient as you are taking their head well below the level of the table. This variation is a lot less threatening and works very well to modulate pain and reduce threat for unilateral loading. Afterward, the patient can often perform this self reset in WB to keep the improvements going. 

A Better Way to Improve Cervical Sidebending and Rotation


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from Wellness https://www.themanualtherapist.com/2020/04/a-better-way-to-improve-cervical.html

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